Gastroshow 2024 launches with global insights Vi GASTROSHOW, organized in mm collaboration between Turkuvaz Media Group and the Gastronomy Tourism Association, started yesterday, with an opening speech by Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. Ersoy stated that Türkiye's tourism revenue increased by 12% in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching approximately $56 billion (TL 1. 81 trillion) and that Türkiye is among the top five in world tourism. Highlighting the increasingly strong bond between gastronomy and tourism in recent years, Ersoy said: "Representatives of the gastronomy world are among the real actors of the tourism market and make great contributions to its development. " Emphasizing the importance of the country's rich gastronomic culture being recognized by international organizations, Ersoy noted that efforts in this area, planned to be completed in six years, were finished in two years and included in the Michelin Guide. "With the recognition of our culinary richness and creative guidance by an international independent organization, our claim in gastronomy tourism has been taken to a higher level. PAGE 6 Gastroshow 2024 launches with global, Turkish gastronomy insights GASTROSHOW, organized in mm collaboration between Turkuvaz Media Group and the Gastronomy Tourism Association, started on Thursday, with an opening speech by Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. Ersoy stated that Türkiye's tourism revenue increased by 12% in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching approximately $56 billion (TL 1. 81 trillion) and that Türkiye is among the top five in world tourism. Highlighting the increasingly strong bond between gastronomy and tourism in recent years, Ersoy said: "Representatives of the gastronomy world are among the real actors of the tourism market and make great contributions to its development. " Emphasizing the importance of the country's rich gastronomic culture being recognized by international organizations, Ersoy noted that efforts in this area, planned to be completed in six years, were finished in two years and included in the Michelin Guide. "With the recognition of our culinary richness and creative guidance by an international independent organization, our claim in gastronomy tourism has been taken to a higher level. Through our efforts and promotional activities, destinations like istanbul, İzmir and Bodrum are emerging as gastro cities, " he added. Gastronomy Tourism Association President Gürkan Boztepe, touching on Anatolia's food and flavor culture, said: "Every guest who comes here is precious to us. This organization, supported by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Turkuaz Media, is precious. Our guests, who come from various parts of the world, greatly contribute to our country's gastronomy tourism. The key point is that most of our guests are connected to Anatolia. This place is not only where fine dining chefs are located but also a position where we globally spread our culture. " Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman stated that Türkiye has a rich culinary culture, saying: "Today we are here to spread the development of the gastronomy sector and its innovative ideas to everyone in Türkiye. This rich culinary culture holds a very special place not only in terms of food but also in terms of cultural richness. Today, we will discuss the contributions of this rich culture to the world. Gastronomy also holds great importance for the efficient use of natural resources and tourism development. " The two-day summit at the Turkuvaz Media Center will explore topics ranging from Turkish gastronomy to international cuisines, modern Turkish cuisine, street flavors, healthy eating, gastronomic tourism and culinary arts. The event brings together experts knowledgeable in culinary culture, kitchen arts, sustainable agriculture, food waste, the local food movement and more to explore and interpret the world of gastronomy. The opening panel of the day, titled "Gastronomy Tourism Worldwide and Türkiye's Strength, " moderated by professor Emre Alkin, will feature speakers, including Tahir Amiraslanov, president of the Azerbaijan Gastronomy and Chefs Federation, Igor Bukharov, president of the Russian Restaurants and Hoteliers Federation, and Erik Wolf, president of the World Gastronomy Association. Following the opening panel, the speakers of the special session were Gürkan Boztepe, president of the Gastronomy Tourism Association, and chef Somer Sivrioğlu. İSTANBUL/DAILY SABAH Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy (R) and Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman pose during the Gastroshovv event, İstanbul, Türkiye, May 30, 2024. Gastroshow 2024 launches with global, Turkish gastronomy insights GASTROSHOW, organized destinations like istanbul, İzmir and portance for the efficient use of natural mm collaboration between Turkuvaz Bodrum are emerging as gastro resources and tourism development. " Media Group and the Gastronomy Tour- ism Association, started on Thursday, Gastronomy Tourism Association vaz Media Center will explore topics with an opening speech by Culture and President Gürkan Boztepe, touching ranging from Turkish gastronomy to ^ Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. on Anatolia's food and flavor culture, international cuisines, modern Turkish Jthr' ' Ersoy stated that Türkiye's tour- said: "Every guest who comes here is cuisine, street flavors, healthy eating, \__Wğ ^ Trtl ism revenue increased by 12% in 2023 precious to us. This organization, sup- gastronomic tourism and culinary arts. , compared to the previous year, reaching ported by the Turkish Ministry of Cul- The event brings together experts ^ o% approximately $56 billion (TL 1. 81 tril- ture and Tourism and Turkuaz Media, knowledgeable in culinary culture, jm- ^ ^ v lion) and that Türkiye is among the top is precious. Our guests, who come from kitchen arts, sustainable agriculture, - I five in world tourism. Highlighting the various parts of the world, greatly con- food waste, the local food movement . 7 increasingly strong bond between gas- tribute to our country's gastronomy and more to explore and interpret the tronomy and tourism in recent years, tourism. The key point is that most of world of gastronomy. Ersoy said: "Representatives of the gas- our guests are connected to Anatolia. The opening panel of the day, titled tronomy world are among the real ac- This place is not only where fine din- "Gastronomy Tourism Worldwide and 1 -33 tors of the tourism market and make ing chefs are located but also a position Türkiye's Strength, " moderated by pro- great contributions to its development. " where we globally spread our culture. " fessor Emre Alkin, will feature speak- Emphasizing the importance of the Printed Media Advertisement Man- ers, including Tahir Amiraslanov, presi- country's rich gastronomic culture be- ager and Executive Board Member of dent of the Azerbaijan Gastronomy and a ing recognized by international organi- Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman stated Chefs Federation, Igor Bukharov, presi- | zations, Ersoy noted that efforts that Türkiye has a rich culinary culture, dent of the Russian Restaurants and | area, planned to be completed in six saying: "Today we are here to spread the Hoteliers Federation, and Erik Wolf, W ^ | years, were finished in two years and in- development of the gastronomy sec- president of the World Gastronomy As- * ' the Michelin Guide. tor to everyone "With the recognition of our culinary in Türkiye. This culinary culture Following the opening panel, the £ and creative guidance by an holds a very special place only in speakers of the special session were independent organization, terms of food but also terms of cul- Gürkan Boztepe, president the Gas- £ our claim in gastronomy tourism has tural richness. Today, wewill discuss the tronomy Tourism Association, and chef £ been taken to a higher level. Through contributions of this rich culture to the Somer Sivrioğlu. Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy (R) and Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board our efforts and promotional activities, world. Gastronomy also holds great im- İSTANBUL / DAILY SABAH Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman pose during the Gastroshovv event, İstanbul, Türkiye, May 30, 2024. Gastroshow 2024 launches with global, Turkish gastronomy insights GASTROSHOW, organized in mm collaboration between Turkuvaz Media Group and the Gastronomy Tourism Association, started on Thursday, with an opening speech by Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. Ersoy stated that Türkiye's tourism revenue increased by 12% in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching approximately $56 billion (TL 1. 81 trillion) and that Türkiye is among the top five in world tourism. Highlighting the increasingly strong bond between gastronomy and tourism in recent years, Ersoy said: "Representatives of the gastronomy world are among the real actors of the tourism market and make great contributions to its development. " Emphasizing the importance of the country's rich gastronomic culture being recognized by international organizations, Ersoy noted that efforts in this area, planned to be completed in six years, were finished in two years and included in the Michelin Guide. "With the recognition of our culinary richness and creative guidance by an international independent organization, our claim in gastronomy tourism has been taken to a higher level. Through our efforts and promotional activities, destinations like istanbul, İzmir and Bodrum are emerging as gastro cities, " he added. Gastronomy Tourism Association President Gürkan Boztepe, touching on Anatolia's food and flavor culture, said: "Every guest who comes here is precious to us. This organization, supported by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Turkuaz Media, is precious. Our guests, who come from various parts of the world, greatly contribute to our country's gastronomy tourism. The key point is that most of our guests are connected to Anatolia. This place is not only where fine dining chefs are located but also a position where we globally spread our culture. " Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman stated that Türkiye has a rich culinary culture, saying: "Today we are here to spread the development of the gastronomy sector and its innovative ideas to everyone in Türkiye. This rich culinary culture holds a very special place not only in terms of food but also in terms of cultural richness. Today, we will discuss the contributions of this rich culture to the world. Gastronomy also holds great importance for the efficient use of natural resources and tourism development. " The two-day summit at the Turkuvaz Media Center will explore topics ranging from Turkish gastronomy to international cuisines, modern Turkish cuisine, street flavors, healthy eating, gastronomic tourism and culinary arts. The event brings together experts knowledgeable in culinary culture, kitchen arts, sustainable agriculture, food waste, the local food movement and more to explore and interpret the world of gastronomy. The opening panel of the day, titled "Gastronomy Tourism Worldwide and Türkiye's Strength, " moderated by professor Emre Alkin, will feature speakers, including Tahir Amiraslanov, president of the Azerbaijan Gastronomy and Chefs Federation, Igor Bukharov, president of the Russian Restaurants and Hoteliers Federation, and Erik Wolf, president of the World Gastronomy Association. Following the opening panel, the speakers of the special session were Gürkan Boztepe, president of the Gastronomy Tourism Association, and chef Somer Sivrioğlu. İSTANBUL/DAILY SABAH Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy (R) and Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman pose during the Gastroshovv event, İstanbul, Türkiye, May 30, 2024. Gastroshow 2024 launches with global, Turkish gastronomy insights GASTROSHOW, organized destinations like istanbul, İzmir and portance for the efficient use of natural mm collaboration between Turkuvaz Bodrum are emerging as gastro resources and tourism development. " Media Group and the Gastronomy Tour- ism Association, started on Thursday, Gastronomy Tourism Association vaz Media Center will explore topics with an opening speech by Culture and President Gürkan Boztepe, touching ranging from Turkish gastronomy to ^ Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. on Anatolia's food and flavor culture, international cuisines, modern Turkish Jthr' ' Ersoy stated that Türkiye's tour- said: "Every guest who comes here is cuisine, street flavors, healthy eating, \__Wğ ^ Trtl ism revenue increased by 12% in 2023 precious to us. This organization, sup- gastronomic tourism and culinary arts. , compared to the previous year, reaching ported by the Turkish Ministry of Cul- The event brings together experts ^ o% approximately $56 billion (TL 1. 81 tril- ture and Tourism and Turkuaz Media, knowledgeable in culinary culture, jm- ^ ^ v lion) and that Türkiye is among the top is precious. Our guests, who come from kitchen arts, sustainable agriculture, - I five in world tourism. Highlighting the various parts of the world, greatly con- food waste, the local food movement . 7 increasingly strong bond between gas- tribute to our country's gastronomy and more to explore and interpret the tronomy and tourism in recent years, tourism. The key point is that most of world of gastronomy. Ersoy said: "Representatives of the gas- our guests are connected to Anatolia. The opening panel of the day, titled tronomy world are among the real ac- This place is not only where fine din- "Gastronomy Tourism Worldwide and 1 -33 tors of the tourism market and make ing chefs are located but also a position Türkiye's Strength, " moderated by pro- great contributions to its development. " where we globally spread our culture. " fessor Emre Alkin, will feature speak- Emphasizing the importance of the Printed Media Advertisement Man- ers, including Tahir Amiraslanov, presi- country's rich gastronomic culture be- ager and Executive Board Member of dent of the Azerbaijan Gastronomy and a ing recognized by international organi- Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman stated Chefs Federation, Igor Bukharov, presi- | zations, Ersoy noted that efforts that Türkiye has a rich culinary culture, dent of the Russian Restaurants and | area, planned to be completed in six saying: "Today we are here to spread the Hoteliers Federation, and Erik Wolf, W ^ | years, were finished in two years and in- development of the gastronomy sec- president of the World Gastronomy As- * ' the Michelin Guide. tor to everyone "With the recognition of our culinary in Türkiye. This culinary culture Following the opening panel, the £ and creative guidance by an holds a very special place only in speakers of the special session were independent organization, terms of food but also terms of cul- Gürkan Boztepe, president the Gas- £ our claim in gastronomy tourism has tural richness. Today, wewill discuss the tronomy Tourism Association, and chef £ been taken to a higher level. Through contributions of this rich culture to the Somer Sivrioğlu. Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy (R) and Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board our efforts and promotional activities, world. Gastronomy also holds great im- İSTANBUL / DAILY SABAH Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman pose during the Gastroshovv event, İstanbul, Türkiye, May 30, 2024.
Gastroshow 2024 launches with global insights Vi GASTROSHOW, organized in mm collaboration between Turkuvaz Media Group and the Gastronomy Tourism Association, started yesterday, with an opening speech by Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. Ersoy stated that Türkiye's tourism revenue increased by 12% in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching approximately $56 billion (TL 1. 81 trillion) and that Türkiye is among the top five in world tourism. Highlighting the increasingly strong bond between gastronomy and tourism in recent years, Ersoy said: "Representatives of the gastronomy world are among the real actors of the tourism market and make great contributions to its development. " Emphasizing the importance of the country's rich gastronomic culture being recognized by international organizations, Ersoy noted that efforts in this area, planned to be completed in six years, were finished in two years and included in the Michelin Guide. "With the recognition of our culinary richness and creative guidance by an international independent organization, our claim in gastronomy tourism has been taken to a higher level. PAGE 6 Gastroshow 2024 launches with global, Turkish gastronomy insights GASTROSHOW, organized in mm collaboration between Turkuvaz Media Group and the Gastronomy Tourism Association, started on Thursday, with an opening speech by Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. Ersoy stated that Türkiye's tourism revenue increased by 12% in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching approximately $56 billion (TL 1. 81 trillion) and that Türkiye is among the top five in world tourism. Highlighting the increasingly strong bond between gastronomy and tourism in recent years, Ersoy said: "Representatives of the gastronomy world are among the real actors of the tourism market and make great contributions to its development. " Emphasizing the importance of the country's rich gastronomic culture being recognized by international organizations, Ersoy noted that efforts in this area, planned to be completed in six years, were finished in two years and included in the Michelin Guide. "With the recognition of our culinary richness and creative guidance by an international independent organization, our claim in gastronomy tourism has been taken to a higher level. Through our efforts and promotional activities, destinations like istanbul, İzmir and Bodrum are emerging as gastro cities, " he added. Gastronomy Tourism Association President Gürkan Boztepe, touching on Anatolia's food and flavor culture, said: "Every guest who comes here is precious to us. This organization, supported by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Turkuaz Media, is precious. Our guests, who come from various parts of the world, greatly contribute to our country's gastronomy tourism. The key point is that most of our guests are connected to Anatolia. This place is not only where fine dining chefs are located but also a position where we globally spread our culture. " Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman stated that Türkiye has a rich culinary culture, saying: "Today we are here to spread the development of the gastronomy sector and its innovative ideas to everyone in Türkiye. This rich culinary culture holds a very special place not only in terms of food but also in terms of cultural richness. Today, we will discuss the contributions of this rich culture to the world. Gastronomy also holds great importance for the efficient use of natural resources and tourism development. " The two-day summit at the Turkuvaz Media Center will explore topics ranging from Turkish gastronomy to international cuisines, modern Turkish cuisine, street flavors, healthy eating, gastronomic tourism and culinary arts. The event brings together experts knowledgeable in culinary culture, kitchen arts, sustainable agriculture, food waste, the local food movement and more to explore and interpret the world of gastronomy. The opening panel of the day, titled "Gastronomy Tourism Worldwide and Türkiye's Strength, " moderated by professor Emre Alkin, will feature speakers, including Tahir Amiraslanov, president of the Azerbaijan Gastronomy and Chefs Federation, Igor Bukharov, president of the Russian Restaurants and Hoteliers Federation, and Erik Wolf, president of the World Gastronomy Association. Following the opening panel, the speakers of the special session were Gürkan Boztepe, president of the Gastronomy Tourism Association, and chef Somer Sivrioğlu. İSTANBUL/DAILY SABAH Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy (R) and Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman pose during the Gastroshovv event, İstanbul, Türkiye, May 30, 2024. Gastroshow 2024 launches with global, Turkish gastronomy insights GASTROSHOW, organized destinations like istanbul, İzmir and portance for the efficient use of natural mm collaboration between Turkuvaz Bodrum are emerging as gastro resources and tourism development. " Media Group and the Gastronomy Tour- ism Association, started on Thursday, Gastronomy Tourism Association vaz Media Center will explore topics with an opening speech by Culture and President Gürkan Boztepe, touching ranging from Turkish gastronomy to ^ Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. on Anatolia's food and flavor culture, international cuisines, modern Turkish Jthr' ' Ersoy stated that Türkiye's tour- said: "Every guest who comes here is cuisine, street flavors, healthy eating, \__Wğ ^ Trtl ism revenue increased by 12% in 2023 precious to us. This organization, sup- gastronomic tourism and culinary arts. , compared to the previous year, reaching ported by the Turkish Ministry of Cul- The event brings together experts ^ o% approximately $56 billion (TL 1. 81 tril- ture and Tourism and Turkuaz Media, knowledgeable in culinary culture, jm- ^ ^ v lion) and that Türkiye is among the top is precious. Our guests, who come from kitchen arts, sustainable agriculture, - I five in world tourism. Highlighting the various parts of the world, greatly con- food waste, the local food movement . 7 increasingly strong bond between gas- tribute to our country's gastronomy and more to explore and interpret the tronomy and tourism in recent years, tourism. The key point is that most of world of gastronomy. Ersoy said: "Representatives of the gas- our guests are connected to Anatolia. The opening panel of the day, titled tronomy world are among the real ac- This place is not only where fine din- "Gastronomy Tourism Worldwide and 1 -33 tors of the tourism market and make ing chefs are located but also a position Türkiye's Strength, " moderated by pro- great contributions to its development. " where we globally spread our culture. " fessor Emre Alkin, will feature speak- Emphasizing the importance of the Printed Media Advertisement Man- ers, including Tahir Amiraslanov, presi- country's rich gastronomic culture be- ager and Executive Board Member of dent of the Azerbaijan Gastronomy and a ing recognized by international organi- Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman stated Chefs Federation, Igor Bukharov, presi- | zations, Ersoy noted that efforts that Türkiye has a rich culinary culture, dent of the Russian Restaurants and | area, planned to be completed in six saying: "Today we are here to spread the Hoteliers Federation, and Erik Wolf, W ^ | years, were finished in two years and in- development of the gastronomy sec- president of the World Gastronomy As- * ' the Michelin Guide. tor to everyone "With the recognition of our culinary in Türkiye. This culinary culture Following the opening panel, the £ and creative guidance by an holds a very special place only in speakers of the special session were independent organization, terms of food but also terms of cul- Gürkan Boztepe, president the Gas- £ our claim in gastronomy tourism has tural richness. Today, wewill discuss the tronomy Tourism Association, and chef £ been taken to a higher level. Through contributions of this rich culture to the Somer Sivrioğlu. Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy (R) and Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board our efforts and promotional activities, world. Gastronomy also holds great im- İSTANBUL / DAILY SABAH Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman pose during the Gastroshovv event, İstanbul, Türkiye, May 30, 2024. Gastroshow 2024 launches with global, Turkish gastronomy insights GASTROSHOW, organized in mm collaboration between Turkuvaz Media Group and the Gastronomy Tourism Association, started on Thursday, with an opening speech by Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. Ersoy stated that Türkiye's tourism revenue increased by 12% in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching approximately $56 billion (TL 1. 81 trillion) and that Türkiye is among the top five in world tourism. Highlighting the increasingly strong bond between gastronomy and tourism in recent years, Ersoy said: "Representatives of the gastronomy world are among the real actors of the tourism market and make great contributions to its development. " Emphasizing the importance of the country's rich gastronomic culture being recognized by international organizations, Ersoy noted that efforts in this area, planned to be completed in six years, were finished in two years and included in the Michelin Guide. "With the recognition of our culinary richness and creative guidance by an international independent organization, our claim in gastronomy tourism has been taken to a higher level. Through our efforts and promotional activities, destinations like istanbul, İzmir and Bodrum are emerging as gastro cities, " he added. Gastronomy Tourism Association President Gürkan Boztepe, touching on Anatolia's food and flavor culture, said: "Every guest who comes here is precious to us. This organization, supported by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Turkuaz Media, is precious. Our guests, who come from various parts of the world, greatly contribute to our country's gastronomy tourism. The key point is that most of our guests are connected to Anatolia. This place is not only where fine dining chefs are located but also a position where we globally spread our culture. " Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman stated that Türkiye has a rich culinary culture, saying: "Today we are here to spread the development of the gastronomy sector and its innovative ideas to everyone in Türkiye. This rich culinary culture holds a very special place not only in terms of food but also in terms of cultural richness. Today, we will discuss the contributions of this rich culture to the world. Gastronomy also holds great importance for the efficient use of natural resources and tourism development. " The two-day summit at the Turkuvaz Media Center will explore topics ranging from Turkish gastronomy to international cuisines, modern Turkish cuisine, street flavors, healthy eating, gastronomic tourism and culinary arts. The event brings together experts knowledgeable in culinary culture, kitchen arts, sustainable agriculture, food waste, the local food movement and more to explore and interpret the world of gastronomy. The opening panel of the day, titled "Gastronomy Tourism Worldwide and Türkiye's Strength, " moderated by professor Emre Alkin, will feature speakers, including Tahir Amiraslanov, president of the Azerbaijan Gastronomy and Chefs Federation, Igor Bukharov, president of the Russian Restaurants and Hoteliers Federation, and Erik Wolf, president of the World Gastronomy Association. Following the opening panel, the speakers of the special session were Gürkan Boztepe, president of the Gastronomy Tourism Association, and chef Somer Sivrioğlu. İSTANBUL/DAILY SABAH Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy (R) and Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman pose during the Gastroshovv event, İstanbul, Türkiye, May 30, 2024. Gastroshow 2024 launches with global, Turkish gastronomy insights GASTROSHOW, organized destinations like istanbul, İzmir and portance for the efficient use of natural mm collaboration between Turkuvaz Bodrum are emerging as gastro resources and tourism development. " Media Group and the Gastronomy Tour- ism Association, started on Thursday, Gastronomy Tourism Association vaz Media Center will explore topics with an opening speech by Culture and President Gürkan Boztepe, touching ranging from Turkish gastronomy to ^ Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. on Anatolia's food and flavor culture, international cuisines, modern Turkish Jthr' ' Ersoy stated that Türkiye's tour- said: "Every guest who comes here is cuisine, street flavors, healthy eating, \__Wğ ^ Trtl ism revenue increased by 12% in 2023 precious to us. This organization, sup- gastronomic tourism and culinary arts. , compared to the previous year, reaching ported by the Turkish Ministry of Cul- The event brings together experts ^ o% approximately $56 billion (TL 1. 81 tril- ture and Tourism and Turkuaz Media, knowledgeable in culinary culture, jm- ^ ^ v lion) and that Türkiye is among the top is precious. Our guests, who come from kitchen arts, sustainable agriculture, - I five in world tourism. Highlighting the various parts of the world, greatly con- food waste, the local food movement . 7 increasingly strong bond between gas- tribute to our country's gastronomy and more to explore and interpret the tronomy and tourism in recent years, tourism. The key point is that most of world of gastronomy. Ersoy said: "Representatives of the gas- our guests are connected to Anatolia. The opening panel of the day, titled tronomy world are among the real ac- This place is not only where fine din- "Gastronomy Tourism Worldwide and 1 -33 tors of the tourism market and make ing chefs are located but also a position Türkiye's Strength, " moderated by pro- great contributions to its development. " where we globally spread our culture. " fessor Emre Alkin, will feature speak- Emphasizing the importance of the Printed Media Advertisement Man- ers, including Tahir Amiraslanov, presi- country's rich gastronomic culture be- ager and Executive Board Member of dent of the Azerbaijan Gastronomy and a ing recognized by international organi- Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman stated Chefs Federation, Igor Bukharov, presi- | zations, Ersoy noted that efforts that Türkiye has a rich culinary culture, dent of the Russian Restaurants and | area, planned to be completed in six saying: "Today we are here to spread the Hoteliers Federation, and Erik Wolf, W ^ | years, were finished in two years and in- development of the gastronomy sec- president of the World Gastronomy As- * ' the Michelin Guide. tor to everyone "With the recognition of our culinary in Türkiye. This culinary culture Following the opening panel, the £ and creative guidance by an holds a very special place only in speakers of the special session were independent organization, terms of food but also terms of cul- Gürkan Boztepe, president the Gas- £ our claim in gastronomy tourism has tural richness. Today, wewill discuss the tronomy Tourism Association, and chef £ been taken to a higher level. Through contributions of this rich culture to the Somer Sivrioğlu. Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy (R) and Printed Media Advertisement Manager and Executive Board our efforts and promotional activities, world. Gastronomy also holds great im- İSTANBUL / DAILY SABAH Member of Turkuvaz Media Ceyda Uzman pose during the Gastroshovv event, İstanbul, Türkiye, May 30, 2024.